Category: ResearchPage 2 of 3
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Diseño, Arte, Tecnología y Sociedad + info
Ha salido publicado el capítulo de Ana Rodríguez Granell investigadora y colaboradora de Mediaccions “De agencias y dispositivos. El vídeo militante actual: de El Taxista Ful a No…
En Gendermob Lab investigamos sobre las intersecciones entre los géneros y la cultura digital atendiendo a aspectos como la corporalidad, las sexualidades, las carreras profesionales y el espacio.
We research digital culture embedded in people’s daily life, analyzing social and cultural continuities and discontinuities, values, practices, representations, rules and norms related to “the digital” and the…
This project aims to study and develop new methodologies to embrace the role given to the materials along the Art and Architecture histories from a new materialistic frame…
Interface Politics is a publication of GREDITS (Research Group in Design and Social Transformation) which includes all presentations and keynotes held during the First International Conference Interface Politics that took…
Este próximo miércoles 16 de Marzo a las 19:00 en ZZZINC (C/ Sant Vicenç 33 (local 2) Pau Alsina y Raquel Renno (aprovechando su visita fugaz por Barcelona), presentarán su libro…
El miércoles 24 de Febrero presentamos el libro en Barcelona. Jo Tacchi directora en investigación e inovación del RMIT Europa y las editoras Sarah Pink, Elisenda Ardévol y…
This interdisciplinary research project study future-oriented practices for social innovation that are rooted in processes of digital creation (design, digital fabrication, development of technology, cultural and artistic productions) and…
The aim of the Transmedia Literacy project is to understand how the young boys and girls are learning media skills outside the school. The construction of those cultural competencies…
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The subject of SelfieStories are personal narratives generated by users in social networks, taking as a case study the selfie as a current example of the modes of…
Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research Volume 36, Number 3, Pages 283-394, Special Issue on Revisiting Digital Media Technologies? Understanding Technosociality
Edgar Gómez Cruz y Elisenda Ardèvol Piera publicaron el texto: Imágenes revueltas: los contextos de la fotografía digital en el monográfico sobre Fotografia i alteritats en los Quaderns-e del…
Acaba de salir hace poco el libro Exploraciones creativas: prácticas artísticas y culturales de los nuevos medios de Gemma San Cornelio (coord.) junto con Jordi Alberich, Pau Alsina,…
The electronic journal Digithum has published a dossier about media practices and ethnographic approaches directed and coordinated by Dr Elisenda Ardèvol (Arts and Humanities, UOC) and Dr Antoni…