
The research group mediaccions topic is the study of culture and digital media, in particular the analysis of the changes in cultural practices related to technological mediations.

Our approach is based on the interdisciplinary fields of social and cultural anthropology, communication, art, aesthetics and visual cultures, the social study of the Internet, and studies of science, technology and society.

Our interest focuses on the development of research on digital culture, analysing both the transformations of different cultural forms (film, art, games, photography, video) and emerging practices vernacular of digital culture (whether related to creative industries, independent creations, social movements or popular culture) and their embeddedness in everyday life.

As part of our approach to digital culture criticism, we particularly pay attention on those social processes which question or challenge normativity  and we try to identify potentially innovative elements; covering both the continuity and discontinuities in studying change.

In mediaccions, we establish a link between the analysis of cultural phenomena and the use of technology in our own research practice. In this sense, one of the main activity of the group is looking for methodological innovation, based on qualitative methodologies and fieldwork, we like to reflect on our own knowledge production and our relationship with the objects we study.

[Research Lines]

#  Participatory culture in creative digital practices (autoproduction, crowdfunding, free culture)
#  Digital Media (Internet, smart phones, digital cameras, digital cinema)
#  Social practices and cultural production (everyday life, interaction, sociality)
#  Gender and media (gender, body, corporeality and digital media)
#  Digital materiality (space, code, hardware, innovation)

[Theoretical inspirations]

# Material and Digital Culture  (Miller, Colleman)
# Anthropology of things (Henare, Holbraad, Wastell)
# Social Construction of Technology (Bijker, Gitelman)
# Actor-Network Theory (Latour, Law)
# Media practices and the “Circle of Culture” (Stuart Hall, Gillespie, Couldry)
# Practice turn in contemporary theory (Schatzki, Knorr-Cetina, Von Savigny) 


# Qualitative Methods
# Visual Analysis
# Ethnography
# Case Studies 


# Elisenda Ardévol, Phd.
Visual Anthropology, virtual etnography.
Arts and Humanities Department, UOC.

Gemma San Cornelio, Phd.
Communication, digital art and new media,
Audiovisual Communication Department, UOC

# Antoni Roig Telo, Phd.
Communication, digital cinema, collaborative practices,
Audiovisual Communication Department, UOC

# Begoña Enguix, Phd.
Social and Cultural Antropologist
Humanities Department, UOC.

#Débora Lanzeni
Social and Cultural Anthropologist
Researcher at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 / UOC)

# Adolfo Estalella, Phd.
Science and Technology Studies.
Researcher at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 / UOC)

# Edgar Gómez, Phd.
Communication Studies, Science and Tecyhnology Studies.
Researcher at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 / UOC)

# Ruth Pagès
Netart, audiences and new media,
Researcher at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 / UOC)

# Jaume Ferrer
Design, Collaborative practices and digital technonlogies,
Escola d’Art i Disseny edRa and researcher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC.


# Oscar Grillo, Phd.
Sociologist. UOC.

# Alessandra Caoprale, Phd.
Visual Anthropologist.

# Eva Pinyol
Antropologist and photographer, UB

# Maider Iriarte
Communication Studies.
Master in Knowledge and INformation Societu, UOC

