D-FUTURE: Prácticas de futuro, espacios de creación digital e innovación social
This interdisciplinary research project study future-oriented practices for social innovation that are rooted in processes of digital creation (design, digital fabrication, development of technology, cultural and artistic productions). Our goal is to analyze how social innovation is mobilized in digital creative spaces and projects linked to methodologies of work collaboration and design.ore specifically, we aim to study how ‘future practices’ are embedded in the methodology for technological and social innovation and world transformation, in the sense that it is designed ‘for’ the future ‘with’ the people; ie the ‘user’ becomes involved in the design process, participating in different ways, as communities or according to gender, social or cultural heterogeneity.
Funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competividad-MINECO (Ref Nº CSO2014-58196-P)
Selfiestories; personal data, hybrid methodologies and visual narratives in Digital Culture
The subject of SelfieStories are personal narratives generated by users in social networks, taking as a case study the selfie as a current example of the modes of representation of oneself. We will develop a set of mixed methods; quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis with a two-folded aim: 1) to foster the debate on the possibilities and limitations of the “data Analitycs” as a method of social research, 2) to expand qualitative research on this issue, providing a framework of analysis from Big Data.
Funded by Fundación BBVA division Digital Humanities.
Transmedialiteracy: Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education
The aim of the Transmedia Literacy project is to understand how the young boys and girls are learning skills outside the school. The construction of those cultural competencies and social skills will be at the centre of the research. Once the informal learning strategies and practices applied by young people outside the formal institutions are identified, the team will ‘translate’ them into a series of activities and proposals to be implemented inside school settings. The Transmedia Literacy Project will also produce aTeacher’s Kit that will be designed to facilitate the integration of transliteracies in the classroom.
Funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement (Ref. SEP-210165350)