Xerrada-col·loqui a càrreg de David Borgo Professor of Music (University of California San Diego).
Data: Dijous 6 d’octubre a les 16.00 Lloc: Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC C/ Egipcíaques 15, 08001 Barcelona Entrada lliure
Organitza: Grup d’Antropologia del Cos, ICA.
ABSTRACT: Musical improvisation involves a complex and dynamic entanglement —a strange looping— between self-regulation, sensorimotor coupling, and intersubjective interaction. One’s action, attention and awareness are entangled within a dynamic and evolving material, sonic and social world, all affected by personal, cultural and historical predilections, and, increasingly, nested within complex webs of technological mediation. This talk explores ways that an ecological understanding of cognition and consciousness —involving loopy patterns of reciprocal causation among the environment, the brain, and the body— can contribute to the ongoing switch from a subjectcentered to a systems-centered approach to understanding musical improvisation, and it suggests that experimental forms of musical improvisation might contribute to research directions that look beyond the conventional tropes of representationalism and computationalism in the study of mind to participate in broader trends in posthumanist scholarship.