Category: TalksPage 2 of 3

How we do ethnography: digital worlds

Tuesday 29 April at RMIT, DERC, Melbourne  Jo Tacchi and Débora Lanzeni present two case studies of ethnographic research concerning the production and consumption of digital technologies at…

Digital Culture: Some notes from the *Free Culture* field

RESEARCH INNOVATION IN DIGITAL CULTURE IN THE EU CONTEXT: SOME NOTES FROM THE ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELD Digital culture, like other “things” we do with bits, is at the core…

Media futures in EASA2014

Media futures: media anthropology of, for and through the notion of ‘future’ This panel examines the implications of a ‘futures turn’ and how might an anthropology of media…

Playing the invisible rules of creation: transformative practices in collaborative music expiriences

Gemma San Cornelio and Antoni Roig at the DIGITAL CULTURE: PROMISES AND DISCOMFORTS DCC ECREA Section, Bonn, 3-4 October, 2013

“Mapping”: collaborative creation practices and digital media

Elisenda Ardevol, Débora Lanzeni and Gemma San Cornelio are going to ECREA Conference, the 24-27October in Istanbul. Here the abstract: This paper explores new ways of cultural production…

Digital Cameras in Everyday Life

Edgar Gómez presented the paper Photography as a networked practice in everyday life: the case of SortidazZ in Barcelona at the The Nordic Network for Digital Visuality (NNDV)…

Media and Social Change

We are getting ready the EASA Media Anthropology Network workshop and research project Critical Perspectives on Media and Social Change. The workshop will be held on 27 May…

Remix cinema Workshop

March 24-25th 2011; Oxford Internet Institute (University of Oxford, UK). The Remix Cinema workshop is organised by the Oxford Internet Institute, (University of Oxford, UK) in collaboration with…

Social movements, body, Pride Parades and imagination

Based on intensive ethnographic fieldwork carried out in Pride Parades in Madrid, Barcelona and Seville in 2009 (although I have attended and studied Madrid Pride since 2006) and…

Engagement and creative practices in New Media

Elisenda Ardevol, Gemma San Cornelio, Edgar Gomez-Cruz and Antoni Roig have presented a paper in the Media Anthropology Network workshop: the rewards of media, EASA, 2010, Maynooth, 24/08/2010 – 27/08/2010

Productivity and Creative Labour in Game Appropiations

Antoni Roig, Gemma San Cornelio, Jordi Sánchez Navarro & Elisenda Ardèvol will present a paper for crossroads conference in Hong-Kong, entitled (provisionally) Fans, Gamers and Creative Communities: Productivity…

Mediacciones at ATACD “Changing Cultures: Cultures of Change”

We have attended ATACD “Changing Cultures: Cultures of Change” (Barcelona 10-12 December, 2009), where Gemma SanCornelio, Antoni Roig and Ruth Pagès have presented the following paper:“From the Lab…

mediacciones at ecrea DGPuK conference in Berlin

The ECREA section of Digital Culture and Communication has organized the DGPuK ‘Digital Media Technologies Revisited’ Conference that took place in the University of the Arts (Universität der…

las tecnicas de los sentidos (y sus tecnologías)

El dia 7 de octubre Elisenda presenta en Buenos Aires, en el IDES, una charla sobre las tecnologías de los sentidos; transformaciones de la práctica etnográfica, en la…

Naturalesa o cultura? Un debat necessari

La setmana del 25 al 27 de juny l’Institut Català d’Antropologia organitza un simposi sobre la necessitat de re-pensar les fronteres i relacions entre els conceptes de naturalesa…

Bloggers apasionados y la narrativa revolucionaria de la blogosfera

‘Bloggers apasionados y la narrativa revolucionaria de la blogosfera’, ese es el título de la presentación que realicé en el Master de Etnografía de la Universitat de Barcelona,…

La investigación de Internet; nuevos desafíos éticos para la investigación social

El pasado 26 de marzo se llevó a cabo el segundo de los seminarios sobre e-Research. En esta ocasión con la charla “La investigación de Internet; nuevos desafíos…

Web 2.0: expectatives de canvi en un present descoratjador

L’ajuntament de Sant Feliu va organitzar la primera jornada virtual Sant Feliu Innova on va reunir un grups d’ ‘expertes’ per parlar de aquesta cosa anomenada Web 2.0….

el cuerpo-objeto en webs de contacto

El dia 29 de Enero a las 18 de la tarde Begonya y yo presentamos la comunicación Cuerpos “hegemónicos” y cuerpos “resistentes”: el cuerpo-objeto en webs de contactos…

eResearch: challenges and opportunities of digital technologies for social sciences

Next Thursday, January 29, I will be presenting part of the methodological work of my thesis in the research seminar of the IN3 (Castelldefels, Barcelona). It is based…