COST Action IS1307 Training School “Thinking with agency – towards a materialization of a new materialist politics”
Dates: 20 , 21st, and 22nd of November, 2017
Place: Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona
The aim of this Training School is to provide an experimental space for such new and creative intra-actions. Working Group 4, ‘New Materialisms Tackling Economical and Identity-Political Crises and Organizational Experiments” of the COST IS1307 Action, ‘New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on “How Matter Comes to Matter,”’ issues a call for participations to those that are curious to experiment with new dimensions of organizational structures, breaking open hierarchical spaces (human and non-human), being attentive to relationality and a practice of care.
We call both for participants well acquainted with new materialism and for those that are new to it but interested in experimenting with organizational structures whether in grass-root movements or in critical analyses of traditional power play. We aim at engaging in productive dialogues between people coming from different disciplines, policy-oriented and activist areas in order to disrupt the neoliberal tendencies of academic and non-academic political spaces. Actualizing the politics of new materialism is necessarily a transversal issue, not only interdisciplinary, but also cutting across and connecting many different agents of political processes.
Invited speakers include Karen Barad, Iris van der Tuin, Felicity Colman, Brigitte Bargetz, Whitney Stark, and Gala Pin.
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