In parallel with DocsBarcelona, one of the most important documentary festivals in Europe, the research group on digital culture Mediaccions, IN3 together with Interdocs (the section of DocsBarcelona devoted to interactive documentary) and StoryCodeBCN (academic and professional think tank), are organizing a roundtable, counting on the presence of national and international experts, to discuss the social, cultural and industrial implications of transmedia and interactive documentary production.
The roundtable session will be followed up by a series of project presentations by students from different catalan universities.
18:00-18:15 h. Event presentation: Antoni Roig (UOC/IN3) and Arnau Gifreu (UVic/ Interdocs)
18:15-20:00 h. Roundtable session: “The New Frontiers of Transmedia and Interactive Documentary”.
Dr. Mandy Rose (i-docs, DCRC – University of the West of England)
Dr. Eva Domínguez (UPF, La Vanguardia)
Àlex Badia (Barret Films)
Tània Balló and Serrana Torres (Intropía Media)
Ricardo Villa (RTVE)
Presentations will be followed by open question time.
Session chair: Antoni Roig
20-21 h. Project presentation
– “Emblematic Barcelona”, by Laia Ros and Ben Ramage (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
– “A constant miracle”, by Laura Casanova and Océane Apffel (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
– “2punt llibre”, by Mireia Casajuana and Sara Pascual (ERAM – Universitat de Girona)
– “Cyborg Project”, by Roger Soldevila (Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya)
The languages used during the event will be Catalan, Spanish and English (no simultaneous translation).