In a contemporary context (audio)visual and digital media are ubiquitous in the ways everyday lives are lived and increasingly implicated in social research methods. Moreover it is increasingly redundant to speak of visual media without referring to digital technologies. However alongside these developments remain a series of issues and questions concerning: the multiple ways visual and digital materials and methods might be integrated in social science research, how we use visual media in face-to-face fieldwork, how we go about online fieldwork and digital data collection and the ethical questions surrounding these processes.
This workshop explores recent developments though four presentations of work that is engaged with the analysis of everyday life (broadly defined) through the use of visual and digital media. This includes, using digital video in the production and dissemination of research materials, using mobile phones as research tools, analysing visual images and the analysis or use of web platforms that use photography and video.
In addition to the four presentations we invite researchers who are developing visual and digital research but do not yet feel ready to give a full presentation to present their work in the form of a one-screen discussion ‘poster’ to be brought to and displayed at the workshop on a laptop. We will tour and discuss the ‘posters’ with their authors during the coffee break. ‘Posters’ should not represent a finished piece of research, but can be a proposal, an idea, images based on work in progress, or a problem encountered during research in progress that you are trying to solve.
The workshop is not simply a series of presentations of finished works. Rather, it aims to be a forum to discuss the most recent innovations that we are developing as researchers. We hope the presenters and participants will generate new insights together and leave the event with new ideas, understandings and inspirations and that this event will generate on-going dialogues. The event will be limited to 30 participants.
Note that the languages of the workshop will be Spanish, Catalan and English .
15.00 Introduction and welcome
15.15 Sarah Pink – Visualising practices and places: images in and of the everyday
16.00 Joana Conill – Researching new economic cultures and the making of the documentary “Homenatge a Catalunya II”
16.45 Coffee and viewing of poster presentations
17.15 Elisenda Ardevol and Edgar Gomez – Visual practices and Ethnography on-line: methods and proposals
18.00 Roger Canals –Dioses de tarifa plana: visuality and new media in the everyday religious practice of African Amercians in the diaspora
18.45 Group discussion: key insights, inspirations and ideas (with coffee)
19.15 Summing up of comments from groups and ideas for the future
20.00 We will be going out for some informal drinks and to eat in a local bar or restaurant: you are welcome to join us!
Note that places will be limited so advance registration is required.
To register for this workshop: Please send an e-mail to: Montserrat Mir Buxalleu [] giving your name, title and academic affiliation
If you would like to give an electronic ‘poster’ presentation please inform us at the time of registration. The ‘poster’ should be brought and shown on your own laptop.