We have tomorrow (June the 11th) the plenary seminar of the Virtual Knowledge Studio, where I have been doing a research stay for the last three months. The topic of the seminar is ‘Ethics of e-research’, that is just the topic I am working right now with Anne Beaulieu. Maria Bakardjieva will give a public lecture titled Ethics 2.0: Balancing Privacy, Publicity and Prudence. We are going to discuss different cases related to the topic, I suppose that the role of Institutional Review Boards would be one of them. It is a hot topic in many USA universities (the IRB war, call the New York Times to the situation) but a completely unknown type of institution in Spain, where ethics issues in social sciences are not in the research agenda. I will be discussing some of the topics I am preparing for the pre-conference In The Game of the AoIR (the paper Blogging as fieldwork, that I am elaborating and that is at length based in the discussions and work with Anne Beaulieu), Public researcher versus anonymous research subjects?: ethical dilemmas of blogging as fieldwork.