November (18th) 19th – 20th 2015
Espai Francesca Bonnemaison, Barcelona
Masculinity studies emerged in the 70s but have become more generalized in the last 20 years, after Connell’s famous Masculinities and her theorization of hegemonic masculinity. However, they are still scarce within social sciences and in gender studies in particular, which have mainly sought to address women’s absence from the canon and to uncover power relations in gender relations.
Accordingly, the major trend in masculinity research has been focused on interrogating men’s practices from a critical angle, deconstructing dominant discourses and models on gendered meanings and doings. In some cases, unpacking “traditional” masculinities has been opposed to uncovering the so called “new” masculinities.
It is now time to move away from this oppositional thinking and add, to the critique of power, the study of emerging models of masculinities through a dynamic interrogation of men’s practices, experiences, discourses, and realities. This is particularly necessary in contexts of crisis, as the ones we live in, because they can be seen as an opportunity to challenge current gendered assumptions, norms, roles and stereotypes. We think that this dynamic approach, beyond the assumption of teleological progress in changing masculinities, can illuminate men’s practices in their processual moving and complex negotiations, and will help us to better understand gender relations and social processes of change.
Website: Men in movement
Organizing Committee:
– Begonya Enguix (Estudis d’Arts i Humanitats/UOC- Mediaccions/IN3)
– Paco Abril (Homes Igualitaris, UdG, UOC)
– Krizia Nardini (UOC- Mediaccions/IN3)
Organization: UOC, Homes Igualitaris (AHIGE)
With support of: La Caixa (Internationalization at Home), IN3, Estudis d’Arts i Humanitats(UOC), Diputació de Barcelona, Homes Igualitaris (AHIGE) and Gentic (IN3)