Innovation in Digital Culture Research is a set of interdisciplinary seminars and workshops that aims to explore innovative ethnographic and qualitative methodologies of social research in the field of culture, media and digital technologies and how creativity and innovation is embodied in research practices and objects of study related with digital culture and network society.

The seminars are open to researchers, scholars and students interested in actualizing and debating about creativity and innovation in ethnographic and qualitative fieldwork, and the interdisciplinary ways to approach the study of social change, development and technological innovation. Close-up workshops with our internationally recognised visiting scholars are designed to discuss in depth concrete aspects of ongoing researches brought out by the participants.


Innovation in Digital Culture Research Internationalization at Home LaCaixa Seminars
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, IN3·UOC
mediaccions research group

November 25-28 // December 11-12
MediaTic,  Roc Boronat, 117 Barcelona

Open Seminars:

Ethnography for theorising media and change
Dr. John Postill, Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow,
School of Media and Communication, RMIT University
25 Nov. 16:00-19:00
Sala Mitchell, IN·3, MediaTic
Roc Boronat, 117 Barcelona

Mobile Mediations: An Ethnography of Infrastructure on the Border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Dr. Heather A. Horst, Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow,
School of Media and Communication, RMIT University
26 Nov. 16:00-19:00
Sala Mitchell, IN·3, MediaTic
Roc Boronat, 117 Barcelona

Rethinking Fieldwork in Social Media
Dr. Annette Markham. Associate Professor, Dept. of Aesthetics & Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark. Guest Professor of Informatics, Umeå University, Sweden Affiliate Professor of Digital Media, School of Communication Loyola University-Chicago
11 Des. 16:00-19:00
Sala Mitchell, IN·3, MediaTic
Roc Boronat, 117 Barcelona


Thinking ethnographically about media and change
Dr. John Postill
27 Nov. 11:00-13:30
Sala 706 IN·3 MediaTic
Roc Boronat, 117 Barcelona

Making research in a digital world
Dr. Heather A. Horst
28 Nov. 11:00-13:30
Sala 706 IN·3 MediaTic
Roc Boronat, 117 Barcelona

Digital methods and qualitative research
Dr. Annette Markham.
12 Des. 11:00-13:30
Sala 706 IN·3 MediaTic
Roc Boronat, 117 Barcelona

Innovation in Digital Culture Research is addressed to anyone facing the challenges associated with conducting ‘fieldwork’ in digital environments. This includes participants from either humanities or social sciences such as anthropology, sociology, communication and media studies, political science, urban geography, including design, informatics, and information sciences.

Free entrance, to register please write to: mediaccions[at]

Full programme: innovation-in-digital-culture-research-seminars.pdf



EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists)