Breve bibliografía seleccionada de trabajos sobre ética en la investigación cualitativa.
AAA. (1998). Code of Ethics of the American Anthropological Association: American Anthropological Association. En:
Bakardjieva, M., & Feenberg, A. (2001). Involving the Virtual Subject: Conceptual, Methodological and Ethical Dimensions. Journal of Ethics and Information Technology, 2(4), 233-240. En:
Bassett, E. H., & O’Riordan, K. (2002). Ethics of Internet Research: Contesting the Human Subjects Research Model. Ethics and Information Technology, 4(3), 233-247. En:
Bromseth, J. C. H. (2002). Public places – public activities? Methodological approaches and ethical dilemmas in research on computermediated communication contexts. Paper presented at the Skikt-Researchers’ Conference. En:
Buchanan, E. A. (2004). Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and Controversies: Information Science Pub. En:
Elgesem, D. (2002). What is special about the ethical issues in online research? Ethics and Information Technology, 4(3), 195-203. En:
Ess, C. (2002). Ethical decision-making and Internet research: Recommendations from the aoir ethics working committee: Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR). En:
Forte, M. (2004). Co-Construction and Field Creation: Website Development as both an Instrument and Relationship in Action Research. In E. Buchanan (Ed.), Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and Controversies (pp. 219-245): Information Science Pub. En:
Frankel, M. S., & Siang, S. (1999). Ethical and Legal Aspects of Human Subjects Research on the Internet: A Report of a Workshop. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science. En:
Hudson, J. M., & Bruckman, A. (2002). IRC Francais: The Creation of an Internet-Based SLA Community. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), 15(2), 109-134. En:
King, S. (1996). Researching internet communities: proposed ethical guidelines for the reporting of results. The Information Society, 12(2), 119-129. En:
Mann, C., & Stewart, F. (2000). Internet Communication and Qualitative Research: a handbook for researching online: Sage Publications Inc. En:
NESH. (2001). Guidelines for research ethics in the social sciences, law and the humanities. Norway: The National Comittee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH). En:
Peden, B. F., & Flashinski, D. P. (2004). Virtual Research Ethics: A Content Analysis of Surveys and Experiments Online. In Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and Controversies (pp. 1-26): Information Science Pub. En:
Sharf, B. F. (1999). Beyond netiquette: The ethics of doing naturalistic discourse research on the Internet. In S. Jones (Ed.), Doing Internet research: Critical issues and methods for examining the Net (pp. 243-256). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. En:
Sudweeks, F., & Rafaeli, S. (1996). How do you get a hundred strangers to agree: Computer mediated communication and collaboration. Computer networking and scholarship in the 21st century university, 115-136. En:
Walther, J. B. (2002). Research Ethics in Internet-Enabled Research: Human Subjects Issues and Methodological Myopia. Ethics and Information Technology, 4(3), 205-216. En: